Thursday, June 2, 2011

DVD Review: Salt

A woman's face with. The word 'SALT' is in the center, below it the question "Who is Salt?"Rated PG13 for brief language, action, violence, brief torture, brief nudity

Starring Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber

Evelyn Salt is a CIA agent, first accused of being an American spy by the North Koreans and later accused of being a Russian spy by her fellow Americans after a strange Russian man is brought in for interrogation and requests to speak to Salt, claiming he knows who she is and that it is her who is to assassinate the vice president.

It's hard to review this one without giving too much away, as there were quite a bit of twists in the film. The Russian claims Salt was trained by the Russians as a child shortly after her parents died in a car accident to be a Russian sleeper agent, blending in and working her way up in America to be in position when the time comes for their ultimate plan to be carried out.

Of course Salt claims to know none of this, but does she really? And will she really carry out her supposed role in their plan?

Throughout most of the movie we are left guessing where Salt's loyalties really lie - with the Russians or with the Americans?

It's definitely an interesting flick to watch though, full of lots of action and suspense. Worth a rental.

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