Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Rated PG13 for mild violence

Starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson

High school junior Bella Swan has just moved from Arizona to Forks, Washington in the middle of the school year to live with her dad, the town police chief, while her mother is off traveling with her baseball player boyfriend. At first she thinks she'll have miserable time, as all the kids at school treat her like a new toy, being the new girl - the girls envy her looks and the guys can't stop trying to get her to go out with them, when she's really not interested in getting to attached to Forks.

That is, until she sees them - the Cullens - and more specifically, him - Edward Cullen.

Being lab partners, and after getting over his inital disgust of her, they start to form a bit of an odd friendship. Then she learns that *gasp* he's a vampire, only his clan has learned to live off the blood of animals and not humans in an attempt to co-exist and not have to move around so much. They take many hunting trips to keep their thirst from starving. The more she learns about him, the more intrigued she becomes and her fascination of him grows. But then some non-human friendly vampires show up and drastic measures must be taken in order to ensure Bella is safe once they start to come after her.

Granted the book was never terrific and the 4th one has epic fail written all over it, but still... It was so bad! In this case, I much prefer the book over the movie just because it's all in my imagination how things appear.

The scenes with him 'running' fast and where it looks like he's flying are horribly done. A friend had to write a paper for her class on a movie with bad cinematography and she said Twilight is the perfect example for her to use. You would think with as much of a following these books have and all the hype that was built up for this movie they could have put a little more into the budget when it came to filming and effects, plus it seemed to drag on a little in some parts.

If you read the books, you'll either love it or hate it. I will admit though, it was a pretty good adaption of the books, despite a few minor changes. If you haven't the read books but like teenage dramas and romances, as well as vampires, you'll probably like it.

I would still like to hope that New Moon, the 2nd book in the saga slated to be released in theaters Thanksgiving 2009, is much better.

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