Thursday, February 14, 2008


Rated PG13 for violence, language

What would happen if a giant monster started destroying Manhattan out of nowhere?

Well in JJ Abrams' Cloverfield it pretty much gives you an account of what it could be like.

Think Blair Witch meets Godzilla.

We're introduced at the very beginning, a la home video style, to Beth and Rob. Then fast forward the tape to a month later and we learn that Rob is leaving for job in Japan and his brother Jason and Jason's girlfriend Lily are planning a huge surprise going away party for him. Lily tells Jason his job is to spend the night documenting the party and capturing people's goodbyes to Rob on video, sort of like they do at weddings. Jason doesn't want though and suckers Rob's best friend Hud into doing the job all night.

Drama ensues at the party and then all hell breaks lose after midnight. Scrambling to find out what's going on and escape the city together, Hud captures the entire night of chaos on film.

While it's an interesting way to film a godzilla-type movie, it does feel very realistic. The dialogue reminds me of some of my friends and how we would react in that type of situation, as well as it just makes you feel like you're there as it's happening with the first person point of view. Only thing nice is that you're not running out of breath or running for your life.

If you don't like 'shakey cam' or get motion sickness easily I'd suggest skipping this one - first time I saw it i was fine, but then the 2nd time I ate a bunch of nachos at the beginning and started to feel them a bit later on...

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