Monday, April 30, 2007

Hot Fuzz

This movie was hilarious. If you saw the group's previous film 'Shaun of the Dead' you know exactly what to expect. Lots of action movie spoofs in this one, lots of references to Point Blank and Bad Boys 2, and lots of over exaggerated blood. At the end it started to feel like it was dragging on, but then it got completely goofy and made up for it.

In this one, Mr. Shaun of the Dead Simon Pegg plays Nicholas Angel - London's top police officer who has a record 400% of the arrests in the city. His bosses deem him to be 'too good' at his job and feel his performance is making the rest of them look bad... so they promote him to Sargeant and relocated him out to the country village of Sandford, where there hasn't been a murder in 20 years and has a record low crime rate. Altho minors are allowed into the local pub, the residents deem it's 'all for the greater good... the greater good' since they're inside and not outside getting in trouble. After a series of 'unfortunate accidents' Nicholas starts to take matters into his own hands to get to the bottom and find answers to questions that were never thought to be questioned.

Be sure to catch this British gem if ya get a chance!

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