Monday, April 30, 2007

Hot Fuzz

This movie was hilarious. If you saw the group's previous film 'Shaun of the Dead' you know exactly what to expect. Lots of action movie spoofs in this one, lots of references to Point Blank and Bad Boys 2, and lots of over exaggerated blood. At the end it started to feel like it was dragging on, but then it got completely goofy and made up for it.

In this one, Mr. Shaun of the Dead Simon Pegg plays Nicholas Angel - London's top police officer who has a record 400% of the arrests in the city. His bosses deem him to be 'too good' at his job and feel his performance is making the rest of them look bad... so they promote him to Sargeant and relocated him out to the country village of Sandford, where there hasn't been a murder in 20 years and has a record low crime rate. Altho minors are allowed into the local pub, the residents deem it's 'all for the greater good... the greater good' since they're inside and not outside getting in trouble. After a series of 'unfortunate accidents' Nicholas starts to take matters into his own hands to get to the bottom and find answers to questions that were never thought to be questioned.

Be sure to catch this British gem if ya get a chance!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Invisible

Saw The Invisible last night.

And do not be fooled - it's hardly anything like the trailers/commercials make it out to be. If you go by the trailers, it would appear that he's murdered and if he wants to live again, he has to solve his own murder mystery within a certain time frame.

Yeah, hardly.

What the story actually is, is that the group that 'murders' him dumps his body and is trying to cover their tracks, although really he's still alive, but barely. He's sort of a ghost stuck in a universe between life and death, and realizes that he's actually still alive, but if he doesnt hurry and find someway to communication where his body is located, he will actually die. He's basically invisible, he can be there, but no one sees him. Kinda like a different dimension i guess. And the only person that can hear him his the last person he saw - his murderer.

It was still pretty good though, esp for being a remake of a Swedish film.

If you're in a for a good dramatic/murder type movie, check out The Invisible, rated PG-13 for mild language, teenage drinking, violence and i'd say some mature themes.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Grindhouse: Planet Terror and Death Proof

Just got back from watching Grindhouse at work - the new Robert Rodrigez/Quinten Tarentino double feature - and it was awesome.

Rodrigez's 'Planet Terror' is basically a zombie flick set in modern day, done '70s style starring Rose McGown and Bruce Willis - Fergie makes a cameo. Think of your stereotypical zombie flick, add some randomness and you get this one. It was hilarious and awesome!

Tarentino's 'Death Proof' stars Rose McGown, Kurt Russell, Rosario Dawson and Zoe Bell (as herself) and is basically about a stuntman and his car who eventually decides to have some fun with a couple of stunt chicks and their car. This one starts out kind of slow - several scenes of girls chewin' the fat and bitching at each other, but the last 15 min or so definately makes up for it!

Rob Zombie does one of the coming attraction previews - 'Werewolf Women of the SS' - as does Eli Roth (director of Hostile) does a hilarious one called 'Thanksgiving.' Our copy also has trailers for Rob Zombie's 'Halloween' (due out in August) and the latest trailer for Eli Roth's 'Hostile 2'

It's got 'missing reels,' film catching on fire, cigarette burns on the screen among other typical 70s grindhouse cliches. If you like zombie movies and fast cars, check this one out! It was quite an experience - either you'll get it or you wont.

*warning, it is approximately 3 and a half hours long (we started it at 2am, the film dropped at 530am - it's 12 reels long), so pee beforehand and dont drink too much liquid or ya may miss something (but if you must pee, i recommend going during one of the long character developement scenes in Tarentino's DeathProof).

*also, due to graphic sexual scenes and anatomy shown, as well as graphic violence, this is not for anyone that's not an adult. sorry kiddies, but I guarentee you will be carded.